Devon Connect
Our online platform where individuals and groups can find and post information about Devon’s voluntary and community sector.
At West Devon CVS we are committed to helping local charities, not-for-profit organisations, and social enterprises provide support to local communities. We help groups build relationships and connections with local people and services by providing them with the skills, knowledge and confidence they need to take action and develop a voice within the local voluntary and community sector. We also enable organisations to participate in community events and promote their services through our In Touch directories and Devon Connect.
Visit our News and Events page to see upcoming networking and shared learning opportunities in our area.
Our online platform where individuals and groups can find and post information about Devon’s voluntary and community sector.
Helping local groups to develop services and boost community activity.
Volunteering is the bedrock of what we do – find out how we can support you in finding the right opportunity or hiring volunteers.
Bringing together representatives from local statutory agencies, private organisations, and voluntary groups that work in, or are responsible for, health and social care and wellbeing across West Devon.
Grants to support activities for Ukranians living in West Devon.
Stay in touch and find the help you need in and around Tavistock
Stay in touch and find the help you need in and around Okehampton
Information, guidance, activities, events and support for Ukranianss and their host famillies.